10 Things I Learned From Running A $100,000/Month Agency

That Ultimately Failed...
1. Choose your partners CAREFULLY.

This is going to lead to lesson #7 so keep up

Biggest reason why the agency failed

Conflicting ideologies

Non compatible personality types

Doomed from the very beginning.
2. Systems are EVERYTHING.

The only reason we scaled to $100,000/month

Bulletproof systems

Even a 15 year old could do them

3. You’re ALWAYS marketing.

This goes beyond business

Everywhere you go

Everything you do

The standard you hold yourself to

Level up in every way possible.
4. You’re AWAYS selling.

Every conversation you have is a sales call

When you become REALLY good at sales

You talk in that language

The power of influence is supreme.

Learn it.
5. Accountability is 🔑

One of the good things that came out of the partnership

I struggled with personal accountability

BIG reason why all of my other businesses eventually failed

Set due dates for your work


Good shit happens when you’re consistent.
6. It’s GOING TO GET uncomfortable.

Along with personal accountability

I had to get over some negative habits I had built up

I got to meet a lot of powerful and successful people

Guys doing $50M+ a year

These guys are monsters.
7. TRUST your gut.

Remember when I said in lesson #1 they would tie in?

I knew he wasn’t a good partner from the very beginning

He had some powerful connections in a big city

I was a small town boy

We made it by contemplating each other’s strengths

Trust your gut.
8. Your network is your net worth.

Sounds cliche right?

Why I won’t complain about my experience

Those connections I was talking about?

I could probably sell my phone for $1,000,000

No coincidence this was the time I made the most amount of money in my life.
9. Build your PERSONAL BRAND.

My personal biggest mistake in the time

I had a 670k follower TikTok

24k follower Twitter

15k follower IG

Put them on pause while we built up the agency

Trust me, I don’t get it either

Produce more than you consume.
10. Shift QUICKLY.

Shit happens

Gotta move on

Don’t dwell on any negatives and have the ability to just keep trucking along

The world doesn’t stop for your shit 🤷🏻‍♂️
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