The fact that @thehipofficial are suing @MillStreetBrew for 100th Meridian is really interesting, and I find it a bit challenging cause I'm not quite sure whose side I'm on here, in that I have a lot of respect for the frontmen of both outfits.
What I can tell you for nothing is that Joel Manning, who was the Brewmaster at the time the beer was created did not actually know about that song. More of a punk rock guy, really.

We took the piss out of him mercilessly at the launch for that reason.
Incidentally, and apropos of nothing, it was a better beer in that formulation, with additional cascade hop character. This is neither here nor there, but speaks to change of intentionality possible over time.
If Mill Street have been using the likeness of Gord Downie to sell their beer? Probably should have cleared it. Fair dues on that front.

Doubt you could be sued for a geographical reference if you left it at that, but intellectual copyright is stickier.
But, since I respect both of those guys, I'd kind of like to see it resolved by the remaining parties with a pinky swear not to do it again and a hefty donation to the Wenjack Fund.

Sort of better than legal acts of enormity and hiring Gilbert S Law to sue for calumny.
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