Thread👇 David Ismay saying“We didn’t find a lot of bulk benefit there,” [in public transit] also says we need to “break their will” and “turn the screws on” ordinary people. This is the epitome of the out of touch, inevitable Baker Administration. Shame on @MassEEA
"There is no bad guy left, at least in Massachusetts to point a finger at and turn the screws on. And, you know, break their will so that they stop emitting. That's you. We got to break your will. I can't even say that publicly" THIS IS NOT ACCURATE! #mapoli
We got a super emitter Weymouth Compressor Station & more compressors & LNG facilities like proposed in Charlton. Not to mention big power plants like Calpine that @MassEEA has FAILED to "turn the screws on". They gave Enbridge a pass and now want to "screw" vulnerable residents
EEA & Governor need an equity lens, should support electrifying and expanding public transportation to get people out of single occupancy vehicles in the first place. Trolleybuses, electric buses, regional rail, electric ferries and electric vehicles. Not ELIMINATE trolleybuses
Only focusing on electrifying passenger vehicles does not address EJ issues of toxic emitting diesel buses, tractor trailers, delivery trucks, trash trucks and more. These depots and faculties are sited and are currently in EJ neighborhoods #mapoli
Also solely focusing on electric vehicles does not solve our traffic problems and it doubles down on the injustices and failed policies of so called "urban renewal", highway expansion, highway planning and highway construction clearing
We need to electrify our heating system and vehicles but it should not come at the price of the most vulnerable communities. Where is the incentives to transiton away? I couldn't afford an electric vehicle myself as a young adult and former Americorps Service Member
I am not a big fan of Mass Fiscal Alliance but these quotes from the Vermont ZOOM Meeting and the quote Ismay gave to the MBTA FMCB are both troubling but not shocking considering EEA's actions.
Video clip
P.S. Also why is @MassEEA promoting the super particulate emitter Palmer Springfield Biomass Plant? In the ASTHMA capital of the United States! Turn the screws on that.
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