Wonder Egg Priority episode 5 was pretty good! A lot of it was the girls bonding which is completely okay, I really like their interactions!

Anyways, here's a thread about some of the visual observations I noticed and some random ramblings!
BOOM! The episode begins with bridge imagery which already alerts the audience that a lot of ideas pertaining to change will be present which leads to even more ideas about making decisions! "Should we even still get eggs?", "Why don't I die?", "What should I tell Sawaki?".
Neiru's weapon makes sense when taking into account her personality. She's a bit cold, she doesn't seem to like to get up-close and personal with people so a sword wouldn't work. A lot of colder type anime characters opt for guns, it reflects their distant nature.
Fireworks being released into the sky after Neiru helps people is a pretty cool and flashy symbol that reflects the pent-up frustrations and emotions of the people who committed suicide being released!
We learn that Momoe is Sawaki's niece and that he's apparently a nice guy... Apparently... Anyways, nice little bird's eye shot... BUT WHO CARES ABOUT SHOTS, WHAT IS WITH THIS TEACHER? TELL MEEEEE! HE CAN'T BE NICE! AHHHHHH! My head hurts >___>
The initial low angle shot gives Ai power since she's feeling more confident because of her new friend group. However, it seems like every single time this teacher appears in the present, there's always imagery that suffocates her, like the window frame boxing her.
I like how Ai's eyes aren't shown in this shot as the teacher compliments them. These flashbacks are taken from Ai's perspective on herself, so it'd make sense why the camera doesn't focus on her eyes at this moment. It'd validate the teacher's compliment.
Remember how I said bridges could represent how one needs to make a decision? Welp, here's a decision that Ai has to think about! Will she cross that bridge and go through with allowing Sawaki to use the art piece he created of her? Who knows!
Ooo, prison imagery makes a return! Ai is framed behind the bars on the bridge, she feels trapped because Sawaki's future as an artist is in her hands yet she doesn't feel confident enough to have an art piece of herself being shown to the public. She's in a tough situation.
Ai stands in a desolate hallway with her reflection being half shown in order to emphasize how her decision is still unclear. This lack of certainty and confidence is highlighted by the extreme long shot, making her appear minuscule in the frame.
I see parallels! Ai has to think about decisions pertaining to the teacher in both of these shots as the light from the window seeps through and, on the opposite side of these windows, Ai can have a view of the teacher! There's a barrier between the two that she keeps shut.
Hair is such an important symbol when it comes to ideas of beauty, especially feminine beauty. This woman places heavy value in her hair, and losing her hair later will be seen as a loss of beauty and thus the loss of her own identity which she's afraid of.
The constant pressure that society places on beauty is harsh to the point where people feel as if their life is worthless beyond their transient youth if they can't retain that beauty. I love the dutch angles, static, and extreme close-ups here, they all create a sense of unease!
Ai is making steps in her life, getting strikes rather than missing. What better way to convey that than by having her hit some bowling pins and commenting on the fact how she couldn't even hit them before. She's improving, and the girl certainly knows how to flex her muscles!
This is a really lovely interaction between Momoe and Neiru. Sometimes, we throw ourselves into situations that we thought we'd hate but end up loving. I'm thinking that Neiru didn't think that she'd enjoy the company of others until actually experiencing it for herself.
Honestly, Rika was kinda spittin' a lot from the moment she said this. This girl be lookin' at the sky, clearin' her mind, then droppin' some tough, hard facts!
Ai's small head turn as Rika is talking about why they should even bother gathering the eggs is really nice. It shows how Ai has been avoiding these types of conversations, turning away from some of the cold facts that Rika was saying that she doesn't want to acknowledge.
Holy hell Rika! Ah! AH! MY HEART!
Holy shit!
Symbols involving emotional release seem to be something that'll always surround Neiru. Baths are about cleansing, and by emphasizing the water going down the drain, accompanied by these lines, the visuals reinforce how going to the dream world releases her pain.
We're looking down on Neiru to express how the pain made her feel powerless. Also, that scar is TERRIBLE! The scar is so prominently shown in the frame, it's a reminder of an event that she'll never fully heal from despite the many times she'll say the pain has faded away.
Neiru says she's grabbing the eggs and fighting these monsters all for herself. The path that she's walking down seems destructive, and this is reflected by how cold and foggy the path in front of her appears to be. Ai and the gang will hopefully help her, she needs it!
Placing value on your life just by how beautiful you are will simply only lead to one's destruction. The sunglasses emphasize their dark and obscured view on life. A tear rolls down as her symbol of beauty is destroyed. She can't hide her regrets behind her glasses anymore.
I think with future episodes, these lines will make a whole lot more sense. As it stands now, there are so many reasons I can think of as to why the sister would stab Neiru. I want to hear from y'all about your theories!
Welp, that's it for this thread! I hope y'all enjoyed my random ramblings about shots, visual symbolism, and scenes that I found interesting within the episode.

Once again, thank you for reading the thread ^_^
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