hi, friendly neighbourhood virologist here.

Hong Kong, let's talk about this graph. & the upcoming weeks.

don't worry. i'm not here to shame anyone. that's not how i work.
it's CNY soon, as we all know. & our #COVIDー19 situation is, while not bad, still not great. we're still picking up unknown source cases. numbers are still too high. & this will not drop to close to zero in a few days.
i'm not going to say "don't do CNY gatherings". i'm personally not going to, but i'm expecting many people to do so. it's to be expected. after a year of this hell it's only reasonable to want some semblance of normalcy.
all i'm asking is to make this resurgence as small as possible. if you're going to do a gathering w/folk outside of whom you've living together, do as Dr.Chuang says & get tested 1-2 days beforehand. rapid antigen is perfectly fine.
keep masks on whenever possible. do events outside whenever possible (the risk of catching #SARSCoV2 outside is dramatically lower than indoors).

*especially* if at all possible do group dining outdoors. that is the highest-risk activity that i expect will be common.
i know it's hard after a year of this shit. trust me, do i ever know. i'm barely keeping it together at this point, despite being a bit better than i was at the end of December. i'm still basically just trying to not fall apart at this point.
i wish for your help in ending this wave. i'm not expecting all of you to take me up on that. but everyone that does will mean one fewer potential transmission chain, & that's still vital. please, let's do our part once more.
vaccines are coming soon, & the first to arrive (Pfizer/BNT) is astonishingly good & effective.

but that's still around a month off before we get to mass vaccination. until then we still need to be vigilant.
there's light at the end of this godforsaken tunnel. let's try to make this last stretch as minimally painful as we can. remember, the longer this wave goes on, the longer HKSARG will continue to traumatize us in the name of ineffective measures.
please, be with me just a little longer?

& as always, you are free to ask me any questions, here or in DM. i will do my best to answer as quickly & as well as i possibly can. & again, i don't judge. i promise.
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