women are massively pressured into „natural“ functioning by doctors, midwives & society. vaginal birth, not elective cesarean. breastfeeding, not powder milk. natural menopause, not HRT, bc risks!

but men wishing to be women are given female hormones & even medicated to lactate.
women are forced to remain dependent on their natural bodies, while men are being offered as much womanhood as possible no matter the significant medical risks.

altered men are invading spaces reserved for women, who are ideologically forced to endure natural limitations.
if you cannot see the deep misogyny in how the medical world, la leche league and society are demanding women‘s submission to natural functioning while enabling trans women and trans men to define their limitations as a medical problem in need of overcoming, you need help.
to tell a women that she should try to give birth naturally and breastfeed, even if she doesn’t want it, while giving domperidone to a man so he can lactate and performing extensive feminization surgery without flinching, is truly the height of hypocrisy.
and on top of it all the women forced into natural functioning re child birth are now faced with dehumanizing terms coined by those who get to define their limitations as medical issues: birthing bodies, chest feeding, vagina person, vulva owner, menstruator, uterus carrier, etc.
and if women suffer from having very small/very large breasts for ex they are told to try & love themselves as they are & mostly can’t get surgery on healthcare plans. may i ask how much more bullshit women need to endure from the medical establishment?
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