The Turkish historical drama series Ertugrul has had such an impact on popular culture in Pakistan, that I've started a thread to help keep track

1/ One of the more popular Pakistani Ertugrul impersonators on Tiktok (ht @haseebasif) :
2/ This tiktoker impersonates the character of Osman Ghazi (Osman I), Ertugrul's son: 
3/ The Ertugrul theme music is amongst the most popular background tracks used on Pakistani tiktok, usually for videos with themes related to either Islam or chivalry. This is a more bizarre example:
4/ Channa (chickpea) food outlet named after Ertugrul:
5/ Street food steak stall named "Ottoman Biryani", even though I'm fairly confident the Ottomans weren't really into biryani:
6/ A Pakistani govt minister referring to critics of the govt as "Kurdoglus" -- a villain in the Ertugrul show:
7/ A candidate for parliament using the IYI symbol of Ertugrul's Kayi clan on his election campaign material:
8/ Ertugrul Ghazi on a banner to commemorate Kashmir Solidarity Day:
8/ A twitter account of a chapter of the ruling political party suggesting that the broadcast of the Ertugrul show in Pakistan lead to a political awakening:
10/ An Ertugrul era axe makes an appearance at an anti-France blasphemy cartoons protest in Rawalpindi
11/ Not sure of the context of this one, but here is Ottoman commander Turgut Alp strutting on a makeshift catwalk
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