I am not a lawyer. But this is very bad lawyering.
maybe not the best idea top point out how easy it is to get lost in the Capitol since some of the insurrectionists seemed to know exactly where to go?
"impeaching Trump is how we got the fall of Rome" evidently
this is why you make an outline
"I was going to use 'release the whirlwind' but I learned that somebody else was going to use that phrase so floodgates it is"

dude, we don't need insights into your shit writing process
Can we go back to the part where voting to impeach Trump is somehow going to reinstate George III?
This is like when somebody is giving the world's worst wedding toast and gets flustered at the lack of response and so drags it out even more
Ancient Greece, Great Britain, suburban Philly, and Nebraska....maybe we are lost in the whirlwind
This is like when you're moderating a Bay Area panel discussion and it's time for audience questions and the person who runs to the mic has a rambling manifesto to impart and no actual questions for the panelists.
Trump's lawyer just said that the people spoke and Biden was elected.

Something Trump refuses to say.
Trump's lawyer celebrating our history of a peaceful transition of power... Trump gonna hate that
"we changed our argument because the House managers were so persuasive" is probably not a thing you should say out loud?
^^ cannot believe he just said this
did he just suggest the remedy to Trump's crimes is to arrest him?
Can every single law podcast have an emergency episode just to talk about what terrible representation Castor just mounted? I would enjoy that. cc @PreetBharara @Susan_Hennessey
Ok, Schoen is a little more "angry Jack McCoy" which is better than whatever Castor just did.
Castor: Hey voters voted Trump out so we're good.
Schoen: If we impeach, we disenfranchise Trump voters.
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