So as we get set to start the Virginia Dept of Health’s press conference, a quick look at where we’re at. Last night, the Dept. & CVS said they would start taking applications Friday, to start scheduling appointments. Then this morning, CVS says “just kidding, we started today.”
The company said at the time they launched this morning with two changes. 1. Only those 65 and over qualified and 2. Only those who had already signed up with their local health departments. Understandably that upset quite a few people. But the story doesn’t end there...
Now, right before its own press conference, the Virginia Health Dept says CVS can’t reserve appointments for any of those pre-registered folks “due to technological limitations” with CVS’s national appointment system, which had not been checked beforehand....
To make sure it actually could handle setting up appointments for all the pre-registered folks at 36 selected CVS locations in VA.
You can follow @BrianCarltonVA.
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