How long into the relationship do you inform your partner what your net income is?
Many of you are not aware but in most divorce cases I have either done or the firm has done, this reason for divorce is always listed:

1. Lack/poor communication on financial matters concerning the relationship

Could have been easily solved while you were still dating.
Some of you will marry people with lots of debts, who continue to take more debts becsuse you never discuss finances.

These days most women work secure jobs than men. You are going to find out the hard way in your marriage how much damage a bad credit can cause to your marriage
Considering we like appeasing our families, we young black people are most likely to get married ICOP because we rush to conclude customary marriage first without having a serious conversation on finances.
You should disclose the same time as you disclose children you have with other people.
I think #YoungAdultTwitter should be a thing every night.

An hour of real talk. We are dealing with so much and mostly alone even if we have family (blood or sexual)

Good talk guys.
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