From a thread on the ~debate~ around what to call the discipline. We don't have a perfect term ourselves, certainly not one that encompasses different national contexts; but the important thing is to stop going around in circles over the name, and do the real work we need to do.
This discussion in the discipline seems to have appeared again recently because of new pressures to decolonise, diversify & embed antiracist practices. Names are important, sure; but changing the name will not, in and of itself, make the discipline more inclusive or less racist.
And before anyone jumps in with the other wilful misinterpretation which seems to be current at the moment - no, the problems of racism in the discipline are not about the prejudices of the ancient world, but about structures of education, and how we teach & talk about antiquity.
The name debate often seems to become a proxy for questions about how to (or whether we need to) reform student recruitment, teaching, hiring and promotion practices. Let's be honest about the issues we're facing, and have THOSE important discussions out in the open instead.
Just to be crystal clear: we at Sportula Europe have little attachment to the name "Classics", recognise its limitations, and would be happy to see the terms change; but this is NOT the most urgent issue facing the field, and NOT where we believe our energy needs to go.
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