Zach Wilson is the real deal, a thread.
Incomplete, but he drops it right in his WRs chest.
He does a great job of resetting his feet before making the throw here. He consistently does this.
Another excellent throw.
The kid can rip it
Stays cool as the pocket begins to collapse and delivers a strike.
Steps up to evade the pressure and delivers a nice ball.
This throw speaks for itself.
Resets his footing before making the throw again.
Steps up again here to get away from the pressure while reading through his progressions, and fires off a really nice off balance throw.
Has all the time in the world to throw and delivers a very well placed ball.
Ball placement could have been a little better here, but that is just getting nitpicky
Incomplete, but the kid can sling it
Steps up again to evade pressure and delivers a perfectly placed ball.
Fumbles the snap, but stays calm and keeps his eyes downfield, and then throws an accurate pass on the run.
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