💲 Your Expenses 💲

They’re worth tracking!

Why? 🤔

Spending habits will make or break your ability to save, invest, accrue assets and grow your net worth

Why is this important?

Let me explain 👇
If you want any hope of retiring early or retiring at all, your outgoings MUST be less than your income

Sounds obvious, right?

But how do you know how much you can save or invest if you’re not tracking this?

You can’t!

You’re winging it and losing money as a result...
You need an automated way of tracking your spending.

Small monthly expenses can add up & create huge holes in your long-term financial plans

£30 here, £8.99 there...

Before you know it, you’ve got £100’s in outgoings for things you don’t actually need!

The great thing is...
Tracking your spending will expose all your bad habits

Giving you the opportunity to change them!

After all, you can’t fix a bad habit if you don’t know you have one!

The trick is, to free up this money and utilise it to your benefit.

Make that money make you MORE money...

In order to accurately plan for an early retirement

You must know your outgoings in detail

Tracking and updating your expenses now will give you a fluid basis upon which you build your retirement plan as you approach your target retirement age (TRA)...
Sound good?

If you’d like to know how you can get started, I know some great tools that will help!

Take action on your finances today

And your future, much wealthier self will thank you!

DM me now 👌
You can follow @FiSavvyDad.
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