🧵: some principles I believe
the felt-barbell strategy is almost always superior in human life to taking what feel like moderate risks

have some things in your life almost everyone can vibe casually with, and other things almost nobody can but the 5 people who do vibe EXTREMELY hard with it
you have the good luck of riding the knife's edge between being so sociable you can fall into orgiastic dance trances around the fire ~and~ wake up the next morning and work for 3 hours in content independence

do not waste your own fucking rarity https://twitter.com/Virtual1nstinct/status/1359200947768090626?s=19
optionality is far more valuable in career choice than raw earning power

my degree was in electrical engineering and math, i also have a deep love of computer science and sysadmin stuff

i can carve out a decent paying niche for myself anywhere i go and that is very, very useful
any society which makes having kids expensive is doomed
re/🏋️, either go all in on college being a way to follow your bliss or all in on college being a signaling mechanism for your fitness to work in large swathes of the modern economy

half assing it closes off all the truly fun and wild strats https://twitter.com/Virtual1nstinct/status/1359207796235984900?s=19
eat your FUCKING vegetables 🥬🥦🍆🥕🫑

if you can stand then eat a lot of FUCKING mushrooms 🍄🍄🍄🍄 and their weird half-alien molecules

eggs are practically the perfect food so long as you don't eat too many in a day 🥚🥚✅🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚❌

F O R A G E 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳
if you're going to do object level politics do them on as local a level as possible, someplace you have real stakes

don't waste hours of your life reading about the national whatever crisis, UNLESS this is part of your "almost everyone can vibe a little" package
engage your kids early on in the arts, but do so in a way that's as immediately gratifying and fun as possible

Eg music

mozart piano lessons 🤮
Letting your kids improv over an Eb vamp on the black keys 😻 (h/t my favorite rock freak here @visakanv i think he'll love this idea)
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