There are millions of books out there - impossible to ever read everything one would like to + high chance of reading the wrong stuff. How do you choose / prioritise your reading?

Here are some components of my "reading stack", keen to learn more hacks and improve 👇
1) Compile lists of recommendations by folks you trust or admire, or around a certain topic. If something keeps on popping up more often, pay more attention.
2) Filter all recommendations through @goodreads. Triple check quality of anything rated below 4?
3) Any book that gets a decent chance of being worth reading gets ordered on Amazon. You end up with a lot of unread books, but this is the point of a library I guess. You have what you might feel like reading or reviewing there ready for you any time (I prefer paper to Kindle).
4) Skim any book you are about to commit to reading before you do. Most books are not worth reading so feel free to stop when you realise this is one that is not.
5) Aim to read classics above all else. Stuff like the list from How To Read A Book (thanks for recommending it @DecodingVC!)
6) Prefer books that are older than 10 years.
7) Prefer shorter books, especially if not a classic, for typically higher signal density.
8) Biographies are good as audiobooks.
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