Okay, everybody. Here we go. The Senate has been seated for the Trump #ImpeachmentTrial. Let's get this show on the road.
I think I'm going to add #ImpeachmentTrial2 to my tag list for this thread. Mostly because it will be fun to think up sequel titles and honestly? We have to find the fun anywhere we can these days.
First up (I think?) is a roll-call vote on whether or not to proceed. I was typing and didn't catch what Schumer said. I'm out of practice with this live tweeting thing!

Some clarification--they're voting on the rules for the trial. You know those rules that Schumer and McConnell agreed on last week? Usually this would just be a voice/unanimous consent vote but *of course* somebody had to object. That's why the roll call.

This #ImpeachmentTrial isn't even ten minutes old and there are already shenanigans.

This is going to be a looooooong day, y'all.
The vote (unsurprisingly) passed. I didn't catch the final vote count because Brian Williams was talking over it (I'll find it later).

So, to catch you up: The rules for the #ImpeachmentTrial have passed the vote. Next up: Debating the trial's constitutionality.
Got that?

They argued about the rules.

Now they'll have four hours (two for each side) have to argue about whether the #ImpeachmentTrial can actually happen, according to the Constitution. (Hint: It totally can.)
Raskin begins his opening remarks by assuring us that we will not be brow-beaten with Federalist Papers quotes (thank you Thor) and then shows a video juxtaposing Trump's 1/6 speech, the insurgents @ the capital, and floor proceedings.

This video is brilliant and horrifying. Jesus.

Oh wow. The video ends with the "this is what happens" Trump tweet. There is no sound. It just sits on the screen for a minute and then the video ends.

Raskin: #Trump wants you to decide that the Senate is *powerless*.

Playing to egos. Smart.

Raskin also makes the point that Trump was actually impeached *while he was in office.* And that he committed his offense *while he was in office.*

This is important because this is what the other side wants you to forget.

Raskin is now literally reading the rules for impeachments section of the Constitution.


Federalist 65 mention!

I feel like this should be a drinking game. But with, like, soda or something because I don't want anybody to die of liver failure before the #ImpeachmentTrial is over.
Raskin: Trump may not have known about the founders, but they knew about him.


Reminder: We're not yet into the "why Trump should be convicted" section of the #ImpeachmentTrial. We're still in the opening remarks for why the trial itself is legal and should actually happen.

Next up from is Congressman Neguse (Colorado's 2nd district).

"This body has answered the question about impeachment multiple times over the last 200 years and we'll go through them in a minute."

I'm on your side, dude, but siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.

FTR, I am thoroughly enjoying all of the tasty crunchy legal arguments being made. I'm a law nerd. I could listen to this all day and not get bored. But the fact that this has to be argued at all is infuriating.

This argument from Neguse re: removal from office/disqualification is super interesting.

Trump's team (falsely) says disqualification can only happen if impeachment conviction occurs and impeachment can only be used to *remove someone from office*

This is a rare insightful moment from the T's team. He wants to run again. Otherwise they wouldn't bring it up.

Neguse seems to be arguing the Senate can still disqualify T regardless of his impeachment status? Am I getting that right fellow law wonks?

Rep Cicilline's turn. He's bringing up the contradiction of insisting that he can't be tried in the Senate because he's a "private citizen" but also insisting on being called "The 45th President of the United States." NICE. I'm glad they're bringing that up.


Cicilline talks about how in the past the House has sometimes decided not to impeach former officials because they danger they posed has passed. Says "In this case the danger [of Trump] HAS NOT PASSED."

Truth, y'all. TRUTH.

HAAAA. Apparently the Trump team tried to say that the trial is unconstitutional because the Chief Justice isn't presiding. Cicilline explains how the Chief Justice is only required for a CURRENTLY SERVING President, which Trump *isn't.*

That was awesome.

Cicilline: Trump's words, taken alone and out of context, are not beyond the pale. But those few specific words are not why he was impeached. He was impeached because of [long list of relevant context].


Cicilline: They're going to tell us to move on, but look around. This *just* happened. IT'S STILL HAPPENING! Do they really think American's memories are so short...

Yes. Yes they do.

Raskin is back to wrap up the House Managers' arguments. Says "I hope this trial reminds everyone how personal Democracy is and how personal the loss of Democracy can be, too."

Raskin fights tears as he talks about how his family was with him in the Capitol on 1/6 because they wanted to stay all together as a family after they buried Raskin's son Tommy the day before. This is heartbreaking.

This speech y'all. You should watch it.

Raskin closes but reserves the balance of the Managers' time for future rebuttals.

Schumer calls for a ten minute recess.

Break time, y'all. I think we all need it after that.

I am *dreading* what kind of BS the Trump team is about to spew.

Senate is back. Bruce Castor is at the podium. He introduces himself as "lead counsel for the 45th President of the United States."

Okay, I needed that laugh. Thanks Brucie.

#ImpeachmentTrial2: 45th POTUS Whirlyhoo
Castor: I have extensive experience in dealing with the aftermath of those things [murders, bad stuff].

Funny how it didn't bother you at all when Daddy Huxtable was the cause of it.

OH SH*T. Castor just called Trump the "Former President."

Dude is about to get fiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrreeeeeeed.

Castor: Who caused this thing? How will we make them pay?

Bro, were you listening at *all* to the House Managers?

Oh wait. My bad.

Castor is babbling about murder, manslaughter and hearsay rules in trial.

This, kids, is what you do when you know you have *zero* legal standing. Something something bang your hand on the table something something.

Castor is talking about listening to a record called "Gallant Men" and then says "or, as a sign of the times, today it would be called Gallant Men and Women."


Castor is literally reading notes off of a yellow legal pad. Dude did not prepare at all.

Castor: Why is it that we say "My Senator?"


What the frick is going on??

We are ten minutes into this, and Castor is still waxing not-quite-poetic about what Senators are.

This is more awkward than the engagement party scene in Bridesmaids. Jeeeeeeeezus.

Castor: The last time a Senate sat with the same responsibility it has today......it was Athens.

Or last year.

Less than a minute after invoking Athens and the fall of the Roman Empire, Castor says that he *can't believe* the "other side" are invoking things that happened before the revolution "as if any of that mattered!"


Oh hey, now he's getting into the "Free Speech" argument and saying that all the things people said about Trump *over the summer* were wrong.

Now he's talking about how some woman whose name he can't remember once said a thing he can't remember but then went on TV to "walk back" her comments on whatever it was and how OUTRAGEOUS that was and how that's what we fought a revolution to not have to do!

Castor, insisting he would be proud to defend in court somebody's right to say whatever they want even if he didn't agree w/them now says that we can't be thinking about "trading freedom for tyranny from the mob"

I don't know what he's talking about either.

Okay, y'all. I think I figured out what's happening. During the break Donnie texted Bruce with a bunch of stuff he would have tweeted if he were still allowed to do so and ordered him to make sure he said ALL of it.

Castor: None of you all thought you would have to be doing a second impeachment within thirteen months!

1. You're right. They should have done their job the first time.

2. I thought you said the last time there was an impeachment was in Athens?

I have lost my train of thought in the middle of a sentence before and even I, in all my chatty/babbling glory, didn't fumble around trying to re-find my point this badly (or for this long).

Castor: House Managers say to impeach Trump because of the 14th amendment! *Pulls out copy of the Constitution and reads 14thA aloud*

A) No, that's why certain GOP House/Senate members should be removed.

B) Flip back a few pages and read Article One, bro.

Castor is now arguing *very* passionately....for the wrong case.


Castor, after 30+ minutes of babbling about who knows what says "nobody is going to say that plainly, but I have a way of speaking....like that."

Oh, honey. Sit down. Yield your time. You're just embarrassing all of humanity now.

Reminder: These were the only lawyers Trump could get to defend him. We haven't heard from the other guy yet, but based on what we've seen so far, Donno would have been better off defending himself.

Castor: The Constitution says that CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW REGARDING............................ALL THESE THINGS.

Bro. BRO. You literally have the Constitution sitting right in front of you.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Now Castor is saying that he is only doing so badly because he didn't think he'd have to talk about any of this until later in the trial and that right now he'd only have to argue about whether or not to try the case at all.


Oh NOW he remembers he has a Constitution to read from. He's reading A1:S3 out loud. And saying that since nobody went and arrested Trump *after he left office* for *stuff he did while in office* then impeachment can't happen.


OH SH*T, Castor just admitted that Trump was "removed from office" by the voters.

That's a *big* no-no in Donnieland.

Okay, other guy's turn. I don't think I'm ready for this.

Other guy is David Schoen. He, at least, has a binder with a few pages of (I'm guessing) prepared remarks in front of him.

He is VERY passionate about...something. Nobody is quite sure yet.

Schoen, for those playing the home game, is the guy who represented Roger Stone AND LOST.

Is.... Is Schoen arguing that the election was stolen from Trump? Because his co-counsel just said the voters didn't want Trump in power and that's why he's gone.

Schoen is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper mad that the House Managers have well made videos.

Schoen says that the Democratic brief says that they want to make sure that elected officials can be impeached LOOOOOOOOOOONG AFTER they have left office.

Trump has only been out of office for three weeks.

Schoen is now decrying being "cancelled."

Federalist 65! Everybody drink!

Schoen: The HOUSE has denied Trump due process!

Says the dude trying to prevent A TRIAL from happening.

Oh hey, the guy who just shouted about how terrible the House Managers were for showing "movies" is now showing a video of different Senators and House Members calling for Trump's impeachment over the years of his reign of horror.

Federalist 65!

Y'all, it's Schrödingers Impeachment: It can't happen because they rushed the "due process" process. It also can't happen because the House waited too long and now Donnie is out of office.

I'm so sick of this BS.

Hold on. Is Schoen *really* arguing that the #ImpeachmentTrial can't happen because due process says the accused has the right to confront their accuser at trial?

Bro. BROOOOOO. Your client was invited and refused to show up.
Schoen seems to literally just be reading the rules of due process. He's hoping that his shouting will disguise the fact that he is getting every. single. thing. wrong.

These dudes really should have coordinated their talking points better. They are canceling each other out.

I hope this guy takes the gum (or candy or whatever is in there) out of his mouth *before* he gets up to speak again. This is just gross.

Schoen: You can't have the trial because the Chief Justice isn't presiding!


Oh hey, Schoen has a copy of the Constitution, too! This one has some post-its sticking out of it. That way we know he's at least opened it.

Schoen is waving his copy of the Constitution around and explaining why it's important. Says that some in the House use "other" documents and then HOLDS UP A COPY OF MAO'S LITTLE RED BOOK.

Imma punch him.

Federalist 65!

I really hope y'all are using water for this.

Schoen: Now let's turn to the actual Constitution.

*Does not actually touch his copy of the constitution. Continues reading from his binder.*

Once more, for the cheap seats:


*This* is the TRIAL, where Senators decide whether to CONVICT HIM on the charges over which he was impeached.

#ImpeachmentTrial2:Is It Over Yet?
I will admit that I have stretched quotes from resources in some, uh, "creative" ways when I wanted to prove a point, but what Schoen is doing is treating the individual words in the Constitution like they're Fridge Poetry magnets. It's pretty gross.

Schoen: The argument that a President could get out of impeachment by resigning is a complete canard.

You're a canard.

Does Schoen realize that he has started arguing the House Managers' case for them?

I'm guessing no.

Schoen: To put it plainly--


Schoen: I'm going to quote from Abraham Lincoln now because it's because of him that our country is so divided now.

UH. What?

Oh FFS. Now he's reading Longfellow and pretending to cry.


Oh thank goodness. He's done. Now it's the House Managers' turn for a rebuttal. They have somewhere around 37 minutes left.

Raskin's back up. Says HMs don't have anything else to add to the discourse and waives their remaining 33 minutes, yields it back to the Senate. Thanks everybody for their time and Trump's counsel for their "thoughtful" commentary.

That's one word for it.

And now they're voting on whether the trial is constitutional. So far it's going predictably.

Predictably, the vote passes 56-44. The trial is deemed constitutional and it will go forward!

Interesting: The GOP side *lost* a vote. When they first voted on this [shakes fist at Rand Paul) it was 55-45.

I wish it had been more than that, but that's not nothin'.

And that's it, the Senate is in recess until noon EST/9am PST tomorrow.

Real quick before I go: I want to say Thank You to Brian Williams for, after announcing the vote making time to explain why Schoen would touch his head every time he took a sip of water.

He was observing his religion so let's not tease him for it, okay?

And with that, I'm calling today's #ImpeachmentTrial thread officially FíN.

Thanks for reading my #ImpeachmentTrial2 tweets, everybody! I appreciate it!
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