#OsimeBrown is a 22 year old Autistic black man who moved from Jamaica to Dudley aged 4 with his mother and siblings. The @ukhomeoffice is trying to deny Osime access to legal aid by denying his right to British Citizenship #JusticeForOsime #OsimeNeedsHisFamily 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤
#OsimeBrown has been consistently failed by every system put in place to support him. He was moved 28 times in 12 months by the social services team 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤 #StopTheDeportation #JusticeForOsimeBrown
Whilst under Local Authority Care #OsimeBrown was purposely targeted by criminals due to his mental vulnerabilities. This was in order to commit crimes. “Mates crimes” Osime was groomed #JusticeForOsimeBrown #StopTheDeportation #OsimeNeedsHisFamily 🙏🏼❤️🤍
One day whilst with a group of 7 others 1 one of them stole a phone from another young person. Despite the amount in the group only Osime and 2 others were arrested and asked to provide statements #StopTheDeportation #JusticeForOsimeBrown #OsimeNeedsHisFamily 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤
#OsimeBrown was arrested as a 16 year old child in 2916. Yet the case took 2 years to come to trial. At which point Osime was tried as an adult. An even though Osime was NOT the person that took the phone, he was the only one to receive a custodial sentence 🙏🏼🖤 #JusticeForOsime
#OsimeBrown was sentenced to 5 years in prison despite the person who committed the theft pleas guilty and testified that Osime actually tried to stop the robbery 🙏🏼🖤 #JusticeForOsime #StopTheDeportation #OsimeNeedsHisFamily
#OsimeBrown was convicted under the now rescinded and discredited “joint enterprise” law. During his trial Osime had no understanding of what was going on. On hearing of the deportation order he asked his mom Joan how to catch a bus from Jamaica to Dudley 💔 #StopTheDeportation
On commencing his sentence at @HMPStocken #OsimeBrown was assessed by prison healthcare services and deemed to have PTSD, and underlying anxiety disorder & Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD) #StopTheDeportation #OsimeNeedsHisFamily🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤
On her first visit to see her son #OsimeBrown Joan saw that her baby’s arms were bandaged due to self harm. Osime had slashed his wrists. Joan was NOT informed of this beforehand by @HMPStocken #OsimeNeedsHisFamily #JusticeForOsimeBrown 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤
Whilst at @HMPStocken rather than support #OsimeBrown he was over medicated with sedatives and anti-psychotics. This caused Osime to faint numerous times in prison. Due to this over medication he has no also developed a heart condition #JusticeForOsimeBrown #StopTheDeportation 🖤
His heart condition has been the cause of two operations. During the last surgery #OsimeBrown was not administered enough anaesthesia and he was left awake. He was also left handcuffed to a guard throughout. Stripped of his dignity #JusticeForOsimeBrown 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤
#OsimeBrown has had to have a loop fitted to his heart to monitor it. He was recently admitted to hospital when his heart stopped. Joan has no doubt the stress of the deportation is making this worse 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤
The @ukhomeoffice issued #OsimeBrowm with a removal notice and his deportation was set for 3rd December 2018, until a last minute appeal was lodged. This was dismissed pending a final appeal by the immigration courts in 2020 #StopTheDeportation #JusticeForOsimeBrown 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤
Joan is as desperate as any mother would be to keep her child safe. Sending him to a country he doesn’t know and won’t receive adequate support will cost he son his life and this is destroying her #OsimeNeedsHisFamily #StopTheDeportation #JusticeForOsimeBrown 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤
The cruelty of the @ukhomeoffice who have learned nothing from Windrush, was to tell Joan that Osime would be fine “as he is familiar with the culture” Osime has not been to Jamaica since he was 4. This is the hostile environment created by the government #StopTheDeportation 🙏🏼
The Brown family have been abused by the @ukhomeoffice for 4 generations now. Joan’s parents came to Britain in the 60’s on Windrush. When Joan went to Jamaica for a holiday she was denied entry back to Britain. Her parents remained separated till death 🙏🏼🖤 #StopTheDeportation
In 2019 a psychological assessment stated that #OsimeBrown was failed by the systems put in place to support him. It found that if he had received the correct support and stayed with Joan it’s likely he wouldn’t have entered criminality 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤
@HMPStocken and the @ukhomeoffice are responsible for a number of abuses inflicted on #OsimeBrown and his family. Some of which are as follows 👇🏼
Last week of July 2020: Joan finds out that Osime is coughing up blood. Yet @HMPStocken refused to admit Osime to hospital. After pressure they agreed to do so. And planned it for a week later. He was instead told off for not participating in gym exercises #JusticeForOsimeBrown
Aug 2020: Osime is still coughing up blood & also has abdo pains. When he begged guards for help they got angry with him instead of helping him. They removed his work privileges and locked him in his cell. In anger he punched the wall. He was left with a broken hand for 24 hours
9th Sept 2020: Joan receives a call from Osime. A probation officer has informed him he is to be moved to a detention centre on the 7th October to await deportation. Osime is alone, frightened and confused 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤 #StopTheDeportation #OsimeNeedsHisFamily
14th Sept 2020: Osime calls Joan to tell her he fainted again and was taken to hospital. An ECG confirmed his heart condition has worsened. He told the guards he wanted to die. Instead of support he was locked in his cell on suicide watch #OsimeNeedsHisFamily #StopTheDeportation
15th Sept 2020: Osime informs Joan he has been taken off suicide watch but is being denied food. He hasn’t eaten for 34 hours. He was told food was coming but it never arrived #JusticeForOsimeBrown #StopTheDeportation #OsimeNeedsHisFamily 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤
#OsimeBrown was released on licence home to Joan on the 7th October 2020. The @ukhomeoffice continues to try and deport Osime #StopTheDeportation #JusticeForOsimeBrown #OsimeNeedsHisFamily 🙏🏼❤️🤍🖤
@marcolonghi4dn #OsimeBrown is your constituent. Why are you not supporting the Brown family like you are telling people that you are?! @RobertBuckland why are you allowing this to happen to a vulnerable young man?! Sign the Early Day Motion!
All info regarding #OsimeBrown is here. Check the EDM for your MP’s signature. If it’s not there lobby them to find out why. Sign the petition and share with friend and family. Contact the @ukhomeoffice and demand they #StopTheDeportation of #OsimeBrown 🙏🏼 https://linktr.ee/Justiceforosimebrown
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