Thirteen years ago, I was on the street sleeping on different friends' couches when I could. Too embarrassed to let my friends and family know what was happening. Homeless, I worked my way through depression only to find alcohol and drugs. It started me on a path of destruction
From showing up at my friend's doorstep asleep and having to be brought in to going to the work placement center just to make some money...only to blow it on drugs. It took a lot to get out of that place. But I could not do it without my friends that I have to this day. Some left
And that is totally fine I worried about those people for a long time. It wore me down. It also helped me realize that if you need help, you have to be honest with yourself first. Do you want to worry about people who dont care enough to see you through it? Or do you want change?
I hid my addictions; I hid my struggles, and other people you know are doing the same thing. Listen to people and check in on them. I needed it, and I am lucky to not only be alive because of it but have opportunities. I am always available to people if I know you or not.
I know this was a long read, and it isn't sticking to football, but today is a day that is important to me. If you read this, thank you, and please, everyone, be safe and check in on your people. You may not know how much they need it. Much love ❤️
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