1/ Been working on @RoamResearch academic process all day for official Magical Academic Note-taking and have to rant again about the importance of structure and process for most (but not all) folks who want tangible output from their Roam input.

2/ Yes when using Roam you must learn to "embrace the chaos" as Brandon Toner says, but embrace and move on at your peril. Roam is like a gifted child that needs discipline.
3/ Roam contributes amazing insights, and serendipitous connections, but it's like a developing brain. It hasn't yet learned how to organize knowledge in the most effective way. It needs you! Kind of like training the "Girl With all the Gifts" but for non-nefarious purposes.
4/ It has all this power but if left in a state of chaos it won't work for you. It will work against you, so the next step is to discipline Roam. This is where process and zettelkasten come into play.
5/ Moving into another metaphor - once you have disciplined Roam and under your direction it has now produced some top quality clay, it's your job to mold a beautiful pot.
6/ That's how it works for me. Embrace, Discipline, Mold. Molding is the output stage. I think a lot of @Roamresearch users drop off at every stage.
7/ If you stop after embracing the chaos, you'll get something out of Roam but it will be random and haphazard. If you stop after disciplining you will have a lot of insight and gain a lot of knowledge, but you won't necessarily do anything with it.
8/ It's only when you moving onto the molding stage that you get Roam fir Results.
9/ I think that's a mistake that many in the knowledge space might make - they stop with the insight. The question every user must be asking is what do you want to do with all that delicious new clay? What can you use Roam to help you produce?
10/ My personal @Roam Research usage is completely centered around the act of creation. Getting results. Adding process to my input to get magical output.
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