This is a very good story but there are some major inaccuracies in the piece.

@chrisjohnson82 also insinuates that right-wing media covered up for Weaver, even though I was the one who broke the story.... and he didn't even credit me for it.
. @chrisjohnson82 instead credits the NY Times, which published the story 3 weeks later.

I know what happened with every failed attempt to get a story out about Weaver throughout the summer and in every case, the young men wouldn't go on record. There was no story.
Lastly @chrisjohnson82, you work for a smaller outlet just like me, you know how easy it can be to be overlooked... if the NY Times and Washington Post could credit me, you could have done the same. Purely out of respect even if it ruined your right-wingers covered up angle.
For the record, all the inaccuracies are centered around how the story was coming together over the summer and the outlets that were trying to report on them.
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