To what do we attribute the silence of international media on Oromo political prisoners, behind bars without any conviction going almost a year now? They’ve been on a hunger strike for two weeks, & no media has picked up this story. It’s a travesty.
Everyday there is news about war in Tigray without any real contextualization of the damages that Abiy is doing overall. This narrow focus on Tigray doesn’t serve the people there either because it culminates in a major misunderstanding of what’s happening to them.
By ignoring to document the full array of the damages, western media is contributing to a very narrow understanding of events in Ethiopia that does and will have major implications to discussions about solutions about the political crisis unfolding.
For instance, Abiy Ahmed is getting ready to hold elections while major opposition groups sit behind bars, there’s been no investigations for so many atrocities, paving the way for a guaranteed pre and post election violence and chaos. You wouldn’t know it from reading the news.
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