tomorrow is verdict day for priya ramani. when it comes and if it's in priya's favour (it damn better be), there will be no cause for celebration because let's not forget this is a criminal defamation case against priya by serial predator akbar, not++
not a woman dragging her harasser to court to put him behind bars where he rightfully belongs. even after over twenty women have recounted their painful experiences of sexual harassment by akbar, he roams free. nothing about this farcical case makes any sense, yet ++
priya has shown up every single time with utmost grace and quiet resolution. im so fortunate to have witnessed rebecca fiercely defend priya's right to speak the truth and the way in which samar and her close friends ++
especially shammy and namita, have supported her every single step through this ordeal. everything they all have done is not just for priya but for every one of us who has silently suffered sexual harassment and abuse by men in power. ++
when i attended the hearings i was not just standing up for priya but also for myself. this case has demonstrated over and over again through the vile and vicious arguments made by akbar's team why women in india choose to remain silent. ++
when the verdict is pronounced tomorrow, we will know whether it turns the silence even more deafening or if it grants women the false security that they will not be punished for speaking up. there is no win here. ++
if anything it will be a huge relief for priya and the end of numerous trips and appearances and unpleasant lawyers and their malicious questions. i hope she gets that at last and people finally leave her alone. #iamwithpriya
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