Toledo City Council will be considering a Patient Safety Ordinance for reproductive health and abortion clinics in our city! The reality is, stories like this are not uncommon.
Patients are harassed every single time they pull up to a clinic. We have had patients followed, protesters trespass, buildings vandalized. We see racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism- you name it, it's on our sidewalks.
For too long, we haven't talked about it. We haven't shown the reality of abortion clinic sidewalks and the very real harassment patients are subjected to. Not talking about antis does *not* make it all go away.
Ignoring the violent rhetoric that grows on our sidewalks only emboldens these domestic terrorists. When they take their religious zealotry to the capital or to blockade vaccination sites, ask us why we're not surprised. Because it started on our sidewalks.
While we can't kick people off our sidewalks, we can at least tell antis that if/when they escalate their harassment, they will find no leniency here. As they bring back rescues and are given nothing more than a slap on the wrist...
Please consider writing into Toledo City Council (even if you're not local) to strongly urge them to support our ordinance (or for Council Members Komives, Gadus, and Williams- offer a thank you)! Antis will stop at nothing!
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