Anybody up for participating in this ongoing thread? Let’s call it “Bullshit you hate to see.” I’ll start:

Getting ur W-2s in the mail and seeing how much of your tax dollars went to the fed govt; who pays politicians $174k+ salaries to pass legislation for their corp overlords
You hate to see it:
Unhoused communities in DC and across the nation enduring state-sanctioned violence aka displacements while 17M homes sit unoccupied bc landlords haven’t figured out how to profit from that level of poverty
A Black President dropped 26,172 bombs in 2016 on 7 different countries with POC populations, killing at least 1,147 civilians incl. 400 children (source: Bureau of Investigative Journalism). The true death count isn’t public due to govt secrecy. But aye, that tan suit though 🤷🏽‍♀️
You hate to see it:
Capitalist apologists trotting out the statement “Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty” but don’t admit the stat is fabricated, based on an intl poverty line of $1.90/day which even the WORLD BANK (who created the stat) says is ARBITRARY (1/3)
And shouldn’t be used to make ANY policy decisions. 1.5 Billion people are food insecure, and 2.1 Billion suffer from malnutrition but are not included in this World Bank poverty stat. Even if you used the (2/3)
New Econ Foundation suggestion of $7.40/day, the global poverty rate is still 58% of all people walking this earth. Poverty has worsened since 1981, from 3.2B to 4.2B people. Miss me with that ‘Capitalism lifted more people out of poverty.’ It is a lie. Look up Jason Nickel
You hate to see it:
Steve Mnuchin got PAID/SUBSIDIZED $1BILLION by the Obama administration to foreclose on over 100k families and 23k seniors.
Read the book “Homewreckers” to get more detail on how the corporate overlords, with a rigged govt, stole our wealth during 2008 crisis
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