2/ The rally leading to the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6 was paid for, in large part, by a member of the family that founded, and largely still controls, @Publix. Yes, Publix.
3/ Learning that @Publix supported the politicians whose angry rants about socialism helped fuel the insurrectionists that day only underscored the irony: Publix, the hometown company with the sterling corporate reputation…
4/ ...now has its name connected to the most violent, most dangerous attack on our democracy in living memory, while the CIW and the @FairFoodProgram have forged what has universally come to be known as the single most effective model in the world of social responsibility...
5/ And that might just be the real reason — not the multitude of arguments Publix put forward to the press over the years — why @Publix has resisted for so long, and with such ardor, doing what fourteen other retail food giants did so long ago: join @FairFoodProgram.
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