Mary Elizabeth Coleman is one of those people who tries to use as many GOP favorite phrases in one statement because she lacks the mental faculties to discuss actual policy.

This woman wants to be a State Senator. Missouri’s GOP pipeline is full of autocrats + nothing else.

They like to think of themselves as “principled conservatives” which is interesting as a tenet of true conservatism is federalism and leaving as many choices as possible to local governments so that the integrity of those governments is preserved.

Of course, Missouri Republicans have worked hard to strip local governments of their power + to ignore federal law while they do it—in an attempt to make state law the only law.

Which, yes, is how autocrats work.

They tried to nullify federal law when it comes to protecting the environment + protecting our kiddos from gun violence.

They’ve worked to strip local control from county health boards during a pandemic + from farmers and community members when it comes to CAFOs.

People like Coleman think being a principled conservative means that somehow God’s word is law, superior to a Constitution to which they’ve sworn an oath.

Even though the Constitution states there can be no law establishing a religion or prohibiting the free exercise of it.

And a true conservative regards textualism as the premiere form of legal interpretation.

Meaning that under no circumstance should the United States establish a religion—but yet, people like Coleman still try. Their special brand of christofascism is on the rise.

And a favorite of supposed “principled conservatives” is defending the second amendment.

Defending it from what? Or whom?

People like Coleman will use the vague “radical left” with no specifics b/c there isn’t any actual widespread effort to repeal the second amendment.

In fact, the most bastardized reading of the Constitution comes from people like Coleman who think there can be no restrictions on the 2nd Amendment which is false.

Even Scalia affirmed in Heller that there were times, places, + ppl for which restriction was necessary.

But it’s not just the second amendment that people like Coleman work to corrupt.

There’s also the 5th amendment which provides all citizens the right not to incriminate themselves + the 14th amendment which provides us with unenumerated rights, like the right to privacy.

The Constitution lays out many examples of where citizens have a right to privacy—like in their home (3A/4A), in their beliefs (1A), in their papers + effects (4A), and in themselves (5A).

Yet textualist “principled conservatives” like Coleman ignore all of that.

And they do it to protect “the unborn.”

These protestations against abortion are dog whistles to women that they cannot be in control of their body. That unwanted pregnancy only happens to whores so your punishment is 9 months of pain, 9 months of risking your life.

Despite all amendments bordering the 2nd providing different spheres of privacy to that woman.

The only way to know she’s no longer pregnant is to use her own body + her own medical papers against her.

The constitution provides her privacy in both her body + her papers.

But people like Coleman deny women equal rights under the Constitution. And to make themselves feel better, they pretend they are saving a life instead of ruining multiple + burning the constitution while they’re at it.

There is nothing principled about picking + choosing when to apply the law.

There is nothing principled about ignoring the textual reading the bill of rights.

But that’s because people like Coleman aren’t principled conservatives—they’re aspiring autocrats.

They put on a smile, go to church, and make you think they are “nice” people.

But there’s a difference between being nice and doing good. They are not the same.

Good people don’t support legislation that gives women fewer rights than men.

Good people don’t support legislation like SB66 which will criminalize the right to peaceful assembly (also in the constitution’s first amendment).

Good people don’t lie to others about what’s actually under threat in this country.

Because the truth is in Missouri many freedoms other than the 2nd amendment are under attack.

And it’s because we have a rising autocracy in Missouri, that’s often disguised as nice people preaching about guns they can’t shoot and babies they refuse to take care of.

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