🚨 ESG #solarpower 🚨
Company: $ABSL Absolicon
LIST: Spotlight 🇸🇪
MCAP: 30M$
Business: #solar thermal heating
Market 223 billion$
Upside : 210 %

2/X Absolicon has a patented Suncatcher that creates heat and works Like a big magnifying glass . It has 76 % optical efficiency the highest in the world .
3/X Business model
1.Sell production lines to local distributors (each costs 5 M$
2.Reoccurring additional revenues selling patented materials (between 2-5 M$ annually per line) and also royalty fees (6%) on products made by distributor.
4/X The company has 3 main markets
1.Factories for heat consumption
2.Destillation of water
3.District heating

@Analysguiden1 has the 3 following scenarios
Bear 55 sek
Base 165 sek
Bull 400 sek

These have NOT taken into account the 2 latest frame work agreements
5/X Why invest now ?
Absolicon has seen the flow of customer requests increase exponentially due to the green wave in USA and Europe .
12 frame works agreements done today compared to 3 in March 2020
Absolicons suncatcher will be able to compete with natural gas prices
6/X The investment requirements for solar heat in Europe alone estimated at 500 M$
Important information
Electricity is only 20 % of the worlds power usage , heat is 49 % and transport 31 %
The global industry uses 1/3 of the heat power and this is what absolicon helps with
Absolicons conservative Goals for 2022
-Turnover of 100 million (equals 2 production lines)
-Positive cash flow from selling production lines
- listing at the main Nasdaq market in Sweden
8/X New selling advantages
Cooperation with Swedish export credit
This allows absolicons to sell the buyer equipment and materials on credit
They can also sell complete sun catcher fields on credit . The Swedish government backs this financing
9/X Patent on materials and on tools for mass production and Can therefore not be compared to regular solar panels
It also has
-Reflector film with high reflection and low price
-Anti reflective glas with self cleaning surface
-Receiver that does not release heat
10/X District heating / solar heating
Europe today has 6000 heat grids that uses coal gas and oil
Europe has promised to quit using fossil fuels
What is at hand is mostly solar heat
Half of Swedens buildings are run on district heating can be replaced by Absolicon
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