people who want to take society back to a mythical or nostalgic past or into a utopian future will both try to employ the only method that any of those people have ever employed: massive state violence and terror.
funny to me to see mormons/christians of any political stripe glom onto these movements. if you ever get what you want, you will be murdered shortly afterward. I mean, if history is any kind of guide, anyway. but who knows, maybe this time it'll be different!
the virtue of democracy is not that it produces ideal outcomes per se, which it often doesn't. it's that in most cases the alternative to democracy is pretty much always tyranny and even worse state violence.
anyway, in conclusion, it's all fun throwing in with revolutionaries and reactionaries until your "useful idiot" status has reached the end of its life, at which point you transition to "useless idiot" and reach the end of your life.
the alternative, of course, is to sell out your christian ethics entirely, which you have likely already compromised in the first place, and to be the one with your finger on the trigger. but, you know, in that case, you have gained the world and lost your soul, I suppose.
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