Let's celebrate Jesse Puljujärvi, a very good player, but an even goofier kid.
Just the best.
You know how to make kids happy?
Puljujärvi knows.
Dress up like an old man and run their shit on the ice.
Is your team not respecting you?
Sending you up and down to the A.
Talking shit about your language skills.
Keeping you from necessary surgery.
Find the bright side to any situation, like Puljujärvi does.
At least there's free pizza!
So, you're on the outs with your NHL team, and painfully rehabbing off-season surgery. Man that's got to be hard!
Not for Puljujärvi, seen here pretending he's driving a big truck!
Hmmm, playing back home in a "second tier league" according to sharp analysts in the Oilers' media circle... must be tough.
Are you kidding, it's great!
Hi Mom!
You know what else is great about being back home?
I get to do really super media appearances with people who like and support me.
This was a fun one, we got to act real mad!
Look how mad I can get!
So... back with the Oilers and guess what? My English is much better thank you.
Coach seems a little uptight though. He says all the bad words!
Truth is, it's impossible to get Puljujärvi down.
He's got the whole goofy world in his hands.
Hey, I'm back in the NHL.
They're letting me wear the big helmut again.
Looking good right?
Haha, some yokel is saying my teammates don't respect me because apparently I quit on them.
Haha, that's hilarious yokel.
You're so funny!
Anyway, the guys all seem pretty happy I'm back.
Leon keeps calling me Bauernjunge!
Funny start to the year, but I pretended to frown for coach once and he put me on McDavid's line. Now the goals are coming and we can hug and smile again. My favorite things!
Anyway, good chat friends!
Remember, be like Puljujärvi!
Life may get you down.
Boss may not respect you, or give you an opportunity to shine.
Don't let it get you down.
Chart your own course.
Be willing to walk away.
And, when the sun shines on your face in the morning, smile!
A thread like this needs a goofy theme song.
Here you go!
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