So tired of this crap. If you wanted a model for writing carefully and compassionately, it was JK Rowling's piece. But no woman can *ever* write carefully and compassionately about sex and gender because, by definition, her writing about it at all is an horrendous affront.
It is Catch 22 and men like Oz know it. Women like Rowling, Janice Turner, Kathleen Stock, Sarah Ditum etc *have* written well-researched pieces with care and compassion. But by writing them at all they are deemed "prejudiced".
And so others can piously demand "compassion and nuance", "less heat more light" etc. because it creates the impression that you would, in theory, tolerate female disagreement if it was done in the right way (just as you'd tolerate the "right" female president etc.)
But you wouldn't. Women can never, ever jump through enough hoops with this. It's insulting to pretend there's a way in which they could, if only they'd behave themselves more.
Another bollocks thing I've remembered: when men then say they'd "defend you" from hate, too. Not that they ever do - they'll never produce a raging multi-tweet thread telling everyone to STFU and stop sending *you* rape threats - but, like, they *would*. Theoretically.
You might send them some examples and it'll be "well, that's abhorrent, I obviously condemn that". Never enough to see it any broader context, though. Like anger, context is not for the likes of you.
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