“Homeschooling is dangerous because it allows parents to keep their kids locked up at home, unsocialized!”

“If you don’t keep your child at home, locked up and unsocialized, for a virus with a 99% survival rate, you’re a horrible parent!”

Same. Damn. People.

THREAD 1/x https://twitter.com/bethanyshondark/status/1358947273825255424
The left had argued for years you can’t trust parents to teach their children at home — even though, for eons, that was the norm.

“They’ll be abused. They won’t learn how to socialize. They’ll be locked up and sheltered from the world.”

But now, a virus that’s less deadly for children than the flu?

“Well, if you don’t keep your children prisoner in their own home, we’re going to call CPS on you!”

If the left didn’t have double standards, they’d have none.

And I’ll repeat what I’ve said before: the unions are holding out for billions in federal dollars, and legislation to destroy homeschooling (and private schools too). 4/x
They’re hemorrhaging students, and with them, tax dollars. Tax dollars that do not go directly to benefit students, but into the salaries of bureaucrats and union coffers. 5/x
Homeschooling is an appealing way of life for many. Private schools provide a quality education for a fraction of what public schools do.

My son’s private high school is ~$9,000/year. The cost per student for MPS, my urban district? $13,500. And it’s been closed for a year. 6/x
The grade school where my younger boys go? $2,850 a year for one student, $2,645/year for two, and the cost goes down per student from there.

They’ve been in-person since the start of the year, with a short stint of virtual over the holidays. 7/x
From my quick google search, homeschooling can cost $700-$1800 a year (or less, depending). I doubt it costs more than private school tuition and it definitely doesn’t cost more than public school.

Home/private school kids also routinely perform better than their public school peers. Going back to 2015, 71% of MPS students were in a school that didn’t meet any, or few, educational goals. https://www.badgerinstitute.org/Commentary/MPS-needs-an-overhaul-Milwaukee-kids-deserve-better.htm

Which should make everyone question where that money goes. 9/x
Public schools have been failing our kids for eons. Not just with COVID. But COVID has thrown into sharp relief just how little public schools, and teacher unions, care about education and our children.

But now they know that we know, and that it won’t end well for them. Which is why they need to use government as a cudgel to get rid of choice for all families — including poor, inner city families — to keep them from being in decent schools and escaping failed public ones. 12/x
Be prepared for a fight, because it’s coming. 13/13
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