(1) #Thread on Deccan Emperor Harishena Vakataka (हरिशेन वाकाटक) & #Ajanta Cave #History

The Vakataka Empire had marital alliances with the #Gupta Empire, and in its early days, had allied with the Guptas to expel the Western Satraps (Indo-Scythian rulers) from Gujarat.
The Vakatakas were powerful #Hindu dynasty of #Deccan in 3rd-6th centuries CE.

Emperor Harishena ruled from 475-510 CE. His capital was Vatsagulma (today’s Washim, Maharashtra).
The #Ajanta inscription describes the ambitions of the Emperor, which materialized in extensive territorial conquests. The #Vakataka Empire spanned much of the northern #Deccan plateau.
Vakatakas, being a #Hindu dynasty, were free of prejudices for other panths.

Many #Buddhist caves at Ajanta were created during this period. They are regarded as masterpieces of Buddhist religious art.
Varahadeva was a devout #Buddhist Minister in the court of Emperor Harishena Vakataka. Varahadeva was son of Hastibhoja, an efficient minister of Harishena’s father, Devasena.
Cave no.16 of the #Ajanta caves was excavated by Varahadeva, in dedication to the #Buddhist Sangha.

A cave painting of Cave #16 shows Bodhisattva, in the form of 7 y.o child Mahasodha, preached Law. The audience can be seen listening to the discourse with rapt attention.
[L] : Dancing artist. The hand gestures shown are very similar to the dance forms still practised in India

[R] : Gautama Buddha’s brother, Prince Nanda, getting initiated into Buddha’s monastic order. His head is shaven under a monk’s observation for the initiation process.
The Vakataka-Gupta Age is thus rightly called as the 'Golden Age of Indian Civilisation' - or the 'Classical Age' - due to such creative cultural upsurge in all its fields.
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