The theme of #SaferInternetDay is #AnInternetWeTrust, and we're going to share with you some very untrustworthy, predatory targeted ads which pop up when you search for information and reassurance about your vagina and vulva.
"labia different size" returns an ad for labiaplasty. Labia are often sisters, not twins. This is NORMAL, and not something that needs to be corrected.
The labiaplasty ads keep popping up on searches about asymmetric labia, which, again, we need to say, is normal.
What about size? Lots of labia stick out. What's the first thing you see when you google that? Another advert for labiaplasty.
Googling "large labia" turned up our first ad not focused on making labia smaller... because it was advertising surgery to make them bigger.
Let us turn now to colour. A lot of people worry about the colour of their labia, and it's normal to have darker labia... just like it's normal that your face-lips are darker than the rest of your face. But if you google that, you get labiaplasty ads.
And if you're asking about normal colour of labia, you'll be getting - we're sure you're sensing a theme by now - labiaplasty ads.
Even googling about if your vagina is normal returns labiaplasty ads.
Let's take a quick break from the endless cosmetic surgery ads and see what happens if you google about vagina smells. Which matters, because vaginas usually smell a bit, but certain smells can be a symptom of something, so you need quality information, not "post-poo drops"
The prolific "post-poo drops" also appear here, alongside some wholly unnecessary deodorising tablets.
Why does this matter? It matters because, in an environment of shame and stigma, a lot of people don't know what's normal and isn't. And when they search, the first thing they see is adverts telling them they need to be fixed. This reinforces the vicious cycle.
We get a lot of feedback from people with vulvas who have struggled with knowing what was normal, and are grateful that we're here, bringing that information out in the open. And that's what we're here for, and the screenshots in this thread are why we have to do what we do.
If you're as furious as we are about this climate of shame, please support the world's first bricks and mortar museum dedicated to vaginas, vulvas and the gynaecological anatomy. 
You can follow @vagina_museum.
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