1/ We are doing something 99.9% of landscaping companies don’t do that are +/- similar rev or less

*Offer health/dental insurance

Why don’t others do it?
- It’s expensive as shit
- Employee turnover
- “No one else does it, so why should we” comparing to market

Why we are...
2/ My message to supervisors, your responsible to take care of the job sites. My responsibility is to take care of you!

Issue 1. It’s expensive

It sure is. I look at it 2 ways
1. Differentiating ourselves from competition
2. It pales in comparison to cost of employee churn
3. It’s a fixed cost (relative to employee size). I know our profitability margin. Simple math on how to pay for it in literal sense.

Now I have a target goal I have to hit to pay for itself.

Give me a goal and I’ll bust my ass to hit it!!

Employee turnover

Employees bounce for a variety of reasons, bc relatively speaking - every landscaping co is the same +/- $1 or so an hour.

Churn is a BIIITCH when it’s an A+ emp

By offering H/D Ins - we just reduced odds of employees leaving - I think by large %

“Nobody else does it”

GREAT - even more reason for us to do it. We are trying to separate ourselves from the pack

Business acumen
Quality of service
Customer relations
Employee relations

✅ the last box off now!

I think other co emp will flock to us when word gets out

If you understand risk ($ leaving) with reward (low emp churn, happier employees [not worried about every 1c in case health scare], edge on competition) and you feel like the benefit outweighs the cost

It’s a no brainer

PS. Health insurance is expensive! Can somebody disrupt this please!!!
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