What Osama Bin Laden did landed a glancing blow on the United States. It broke our hearts, but actually unified us, and hardened our resolve to stamp our terrorism. It affected our economy,but in no way devastated it.

What Trump did was an order of magnitude WORSE! In his tenure
he laid to waste the very idea of truth telling in governance, and intentionally manipulated almost half the country into believing only HIM, not their own eyes or real data.

He poured fuel on long-standing tensions, elevating and validating the worst, most cruel & evil
inclinations residing in the crevices of our society.

He used his own bionic narcissism and self-absorption to repackage petulant selfishness as “freedom,” and call it some kind of virtue.

It’s NOT! We used to value self-sacrifice & civic-minded service. Trump called those who
sacrificed the most for our nation “suckers & losers.”

Trump turned the very idea of governing in service to the people on its head. From the day of the inauguration, until his last day using AF1 to travel to Mar-a-Lardo & pout, instead of attending the inauguration of his
successor, Trump used the office of the presidency and its awesome powers to advance & enrich himself and his cronies.

Under Trump, government was no longer there to serve the people, it was there to serve him and to be used by him. He suffered NO ONE to be in his orbit who
demonstrated the least inclination to disagree.

Trump was more than happy to break anything or anyone who did not bend to him, and that includes the very idea of truth and the rule of law.

This time last year, Trump was actively and intentionally LYING to the American people
about a deadly virus that posed an existential threat to the public. The lie itself, which was an abomination, was exacerbated by the divisiveness of him calling it a “Democrat hoax,” thus projecting onto Dems his own limitless capacity for manipulation. He convinced MILLIONS of
people to believe that the virus was no big deal, thus causing them to make reckless and life threatening choices.

He weaponized recalcitrance in those who could be moved to do anything to thwart their perceived partisan enemies, including sacrificing their own lives to that

While real leaders across the country were drowning in death, fear, chaos and desperate need for supplies and help, Trump was pitting the states against each other, rewarding governors who were loyal to him and punishing those who were not, by allowing their citizens to
suffer and die without the ventilators and other supplies that he purposefully withheld.

We now know that COVID-19 was NEVER a hoax of any flavor, let alone of Democrats angling to get back at Trump. That horrid defamation of Democrats has caused deep wounds and scars on this
country and will continue to do so.

At every turn since COVID hit us, Trump made decisions to undermine our response, encourage people to take actions that would spread the disease, sabotaged & undermined prevention of the spread & subverted the efforts of governors to keep
people alive.

And then, he began assaulting the very foundations of our democracy. In the plain light of day, Trump took swing after swing at the pillars of our democracy w/the sledgehammer of his thirst for power.

Every day we watched him attack the firmament of our elections,
hoping & praying that the system would hold.

He did EVERYTHING conceivable to cheat, including calling election officials and trying to extort them into changing election results.

What happened on 1/6 was nowhere near as bloody as 9/11, but it was a hundred times WORSE in
terms of its potential consequence.

A group of violent thugs stormed the Capitol for the express purpose of threatening & intimidating Congress into reinstalling Trump in the presidency. If they had assassinated law makers, where would we be? If they had succeeded & Congress,
under duress, named Trump president, where would we be?

It is absolute FOLLY to believe that there would be some peaceful resolution or acceptance of that.

Had the 1/6 terrorist been slightly more effective, America would be in CIVIL WAR right now. Because there is ZERO chance
that 81 million people would simply go along with that. NONE.

Bin Laden was an external enemy who cost us a great deal, but never came close to dismantling the world’s biggest and most impactful democracy.

The opposite is true of Trump. He was and is an internal enemy who
orchestrated the most serious threat to the survival of the United States as a republic since the Civil War.

He turned citizens against their own government,& convinced MILLIONS that the very idea of democracy in America is untenable because of the inconvenient electoral power
of non-white voters.

Should Trump be convicted for orchestrating and deploying a terror attack on the government of the United States? Without a single doubt, yes.

Will GOP Senators actually do so? Probably not. They have been irredeemably corrupted by the “us-against-them”
siege mentality that can see no sin if it is in service to their cause.

But today, and in the days to come, we will see the facts and render judgment. Not just on Trump, the most effective enemy the United States has ever seen, but also on those who continue to enable & support
his efforts to destroy this country from within.
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