What is Web3?

Web3 is a shift in internet culture.

Empowered by new technologies, the Web3 movement is spearheaded by a shift in how we, the collective, view and value the Internet.

Web3 is about rearchitecting internet services and products so that they benefit people rather than entities.

The Web3 world is one that has open-source protocols at the foundation while businesses act as interfaces that provide convenient access and additional features.
While Web3 as a term was coined in 2014, the ethos of a decentralized internet dates back even further.

Satoshi was even a proponent of distributing the existing architecture of the internet. https://twitter.com/masonnystrom/status/1356615290847690755
If you’re already familiar with Web3 as a concept, dive deeper and learn about the protocols that are building out the next generation of the internet. https://twitter.com/masonnystrom/status/1356252856567926794
You can follow @masonnystrom.
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