The appropriation of the struggles of black people by some white people who want to appear "progressive" while pushing their own agenda is a sneaky little strategy. Black people get all their support... as long as they follow the rules. And the rules are:
"We get to call anyone who doesn't agree with us a white supremacist. We get to pretend white supremacy isn't just about hating black and brown people. We are allowed to reinterpret black history as though we were part of it. If you object, you are a white supremacist."
Chase โ˜๏ธ uses this strategy a lot, even libelling @AbigailShrier and @jk_rowling in the process.
Chase is not the victim of white supremacy, but feels entitled to appropriate this particular victimhood because, like white folk throughout history, Chase has a flag ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ
Remember Stonewall? Remember when they weren't pushing homophobic ideas and shaming lesbians? Good times.
Here's modern day Stonewall uk literally claiming that DSDs are a black issue and saying that female bodies are a "white default".
This brings me to @alisonphipps attacking rape victims for shedding "white tears" (I guess non-white rape victim tears don't count?). Blabla white women, blabla white supremacy... and like many white people before her, here's her all important flag ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ
Sally Hines just wishes we would read more black feminism. Unless it's written by black feminists who don't back up what she says. She what Sally does there? Pretends to support you when she's actually conditioning her support for you! The magic of the flag! ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ
There's a whole bunch of examples of this. It allows white people to accuse the black women and girls who train to get sports scholarships of white supremacy. It allows white people to accuse black victims of rape of weaponizing their trauma in the name of white supremacy.
It allows white men to invade black women's spaces and accuse any of them who object of white supremacy. It allows any organization or group set up for black women and girls to be shut down or deplatformed for practicing white supremacy.
If you have any examples, please post them below, my bookmarks are endless. For now, I'll just post some of my favorite replies.
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