1. Is Luke O Neill’s Star in The Ascendency Or Is It About To Come Tumbling Down Like A Ton of Bricks”

So who is Prof Luke O Neill and how has be gone from being totally unknown to one of the most recognisable faces on TV and voices on radio. Thread 1/24
2. Prof Luke O Neill is a Professor of Immunology at Trinity College Dublin and has a regular spot on Newstalk FM with Pat Kenny. He also does the rounds on the national broadcaster RTE. Throughout Covid-19 he has shared his words of wisdom from masks to vaccines
4. So if he is set up for life, why is he constantly appearing on TV and radio shows. It can’t just be for the money. Obviously, he likes the nice wad of cash that Big Pharma, Irish TV and radio are paying him for his non-stop appearances but it has to be more than that.
5. It is safe to assume that he craves the attention he is receiving. You could call it a form of narcissism. Over the last 9 months, you can see an inflated sense of his own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration from people.
6. Luke has been deliberately hand-picked for the role he is playing. To be fair Luke comes across as the type of guy who you can have a fireside pint and a chat with. But then again, that was the intention from the outset. To be everyone’s "make believe" friend.
7. He has fulfilled the role admirably but there is a dark side that many people haven’t witnessed as we will discover further down this thread. If you pay close attention to anything he says there is very little science spoken. It's more fluff than filler.
8. Admittedly, complicated science has to be dumbed down for the general population so people can understand it. He tends to treat people like idiots though. Let’s have a look at Luke’s flip flopping on every topic imaginable.
9. Luke’s Words of Wisdom On Masks

28 Feb 2020 “If you’re not infected no need to wear a face mask"
10.23 July 2020

“The big advice at the moment is treat your mask like your underwear… Some people change their underwear every day, and that’s probably a good thing: put it in the wash.
12.July 29, 2020

Luke then did his best to win over the public by telling them to “Wear an effing mask”
13.Sep 14 2020

People wearing a face mask "might actually promote immunity" against COVID-19 in the population, Professor Luke O'Neill has said
14. Words of wisdom indeed. Isn’t it funny that as the narrative changes so does Luke’s flip-flopping…
It’s almost as if he gets a message from his overlords at big Pharma telling him to change his tune and hey presto Luke does a full 180
15. Luke’s TV Appearances

For most people they would be doing well to appear on TV once. Not Luke though. He seems to be the go to guy when you need a useful idiot. The question shouldn’t be what he has appeared on but should be what he hasn’t appeared on.
16. He has appeared on Future Island, The Late Late Show, Clear History, Clare Byrne Live etc

He even appeared on RTE’s New Year Eve’s Countdown playing the guitar with Mundy.

Seems like he has sold his soul for a bit of coin.
17. To add to his further notoriety, that bastion of journalism, The Irish Times even describes Luke as “the newly famous immunologist”
18. Luke also has a book out which he loves to pimp non-stop “Never Mind The Bollocks, Here’s The Science” A more apt title would be just adding the letter “W” to the title “Never Mind The Bollocks, Where’s The Science” with a testimonial by his partner in crime Pat Kenny
19. Just the other night Luke appeared on another high quality TV show dumbed down for the masses, The Claire Byrne Show. Luke appeared in an all-encompassing bubble which people could use for returning to concerts. Unbelieveable https://twitter.com/ClaireByrneLive/status/1358926477228732418?s=20
20. Apart from playing the useful idiot there has also been a very dark side to emerge. With talk of the vax arriving he put out a “funny” video to gage public opinion with the comments turned on. A nod from his handlers. Normally, the comments are off. https://twitter.com/laoneill111/status/1330216372840886272?s=20
21. However, we saw the real Luke O Neill when he participated in a call to school kids. Unfortunately, the general public never witnessed this. His public affable persona is very different to the one behind closed doors. In the video he said.
22. “You may have a wrist band on your hand you can’t take off. There would be civil liberty questions there”

“And I bet you you’ll take a vaccine to get to your Debs”

👉1930s Germany Luke ?
23. The truth of the matter is, he is not to be trusted at all. There are far too many vested interests at play. Just like "The Wizard Of Oz" you only get to see the real Luke when he lets his guard down and you get to peer behind the curtain.
24. There will be a time in the future when Luke O Neill and others will be the first to be discarded. They will be thrown under the bus. Then they will realise how much damage they have caused when they have to live out the rest of their lives, ostracised wherever they go.
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