1. The assault on democracy that everyone saw at the Capitol on Jan 6 quietly continues in statehouses around the country.

State officials that embraced Trump's lies are introducing a flood of legislation to make it more difficult for people to vote https://popular.info/p/the-war-on-voting
2. In PA, HB25 would repeal no-excuse absentee voting, which was passed w/bipartisan support in 2019

One of the bill's sponsors, Rep Jim Gregory, signed a letter to PA's Congressional delegation, urging them object to the state's Electoral College vote https://popular.info/p/the-war-on-voting
3. An AZ bill, would make it a felony to send an absentee ballot to anyone who didn't request it. The bill sponsor is Rep. Jake Hoffman, who also signed the letter urging members of Congress to recognize an alternative slate of electors pledged to Trump https://popular.info/p/the-war-on-voting
4. In New Hampshire, legislation "would prevent the use of student IDs" to vote.

The bill was introduced by Representative Al Balsadaro (R), who appeared at a "Stop the Steal" rally and called Biden's presidency "illegal." https://popular.info/p/the-war-on-voting
5. While many corporations have cut off funding to the 147 who objected to the Electoral College vote, most are silent about future donations to the state officials that supported them

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