In 25 years of marriage, my mom has waken up everyday to make breakfast for my dad before he goes to work. Even on days she doesn’t like him very much.
Nice to see that so many people are enjoying this tweet. My parents have set a great example for me of love, perseverance and selflessness.

This is them in university.
One day I recall she was so upset at my dad that she vowed she wouldn’t do anything for him.

The next morning, while my dad was getting dressed for work, she called me into her room and quietly whispered “Can you make sure he has breakfast please”

I couldn’t help but smile.
Storytime about my dad:

my dad left everything he owned in Pakistan and came to Canada when he was 37. He worked shifts at 3 different jobs every single day to save up enough money for a house so we could come and live with him.
My mother became pregnant when my dad visited us, but my sister was born in my dad’s absence. When we finally came here, my youngest sister didn’t even recognize him as her father. Together my parents have 5 children in total that they have sacrificed so much for.
My uncle wanted to share this advice:

“Appreciation is all we need to make a marriage work. Don’t ever stop appreciating each other and u will see wonders happening in the most toughest times. Lack of appreciation kills the spirit of a marriage!”
So nice to see all the lovely replies to this tweet!

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And the podcast I co-host! 
Thank you guys so much for the all the lovely dms, and the replies. It has been wonderful to read everyone’s stories.

Yes there were many people that took this tweet negatively but I can’t let them ruin the fun. The good outweighs the bad :)

God bless.
I left out this very cute part of their love story
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