To set the stage, we need to hop into our wibbly-wobbly, timey wimey machine and go back 31 years, to 1990. In that year the first Bisexual Manifesto was published. It codified how most Bi communities had long seen ourselves & our relation to trans folks.
For decades the #Bisexual community has rejected the concept of a binary attraction that excludes #Transgender people. It's as simple as that. I could end the thread here.

But there are other questions: If the Bisexual community has been trans inclusive for literal decades,
where does this opinion Buck rails against come from? It's certainly not the #Bi community. It's not most #Trans people either.

I have seen this view from within the LGBTQ+ community twice. Both were pansexual people who had accepted the narrative that bi means two thus
it by default must exclude trans people, which is itself somewhat transphobic as it necessitates that trans people are a third type of gender in order to even begin to make any kind of sense.

I am 41 years old. I have been involved in queer life since I was 18. Outside of
rightwing Twitter trolls (more on that in a minute), I have encountered that view, sincerely held, twice. In both cases, I was able to get the individual to either fully or somewhat accept that bisexuality is not inherently transphobic.

It is not a common view, it is fringe.
I have, however, seen that opinion many times online and it is most commonly espoused by - usually - rightwing individuals seeking to drive a wedge between the various groups that comprise the larger LGBTQ+ community. We know they want to do this, they've openly said so.
By separating us from one another, our collective power is diminished. We are seeing the effects of this in the UK, where transphobia has gained such traction that even progressive parties like the Greens have candidates seeking to bring transphobia into party policy.
So, to reiterate, #Bisexuality is NOT #Transphobic. Far from it. For decades bisexuality has been fully inclusive, heck studies have shown that over a quarter of trans people are bisexual or pansexual themselves, making up the largest grouping of trans folks sexualities.
I myself am #Bisexual and #NonBinary. As long as I have any influence in our local Bi group, it will remain trans friendly. Heck, it was *founded* by a member of both communities, just like myself. #BisexualityIsTransInclusive

So, if you see someone sharing Buck's tweet -
tell them it's nonsense. Tell them it's a fringe view rejected by the Bi and Trans communities. Show them the manifesto. Or, y'know, show them this thread. Whatever works. Just don't let that divisive rhetoric spread. ❤️💜💙
A couple of additions. First, I was a little clumsy here. Third was a bad choice of words, as obviously there are way more than two genders. I should have gone with "necessitates that trans people are an Other in order to...".
Second, I completely failed to address that, along with being transphobic this talking point is biphobic as hell.
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