Revolutions don't reward those who are in the frontline. It rewards those who seize the opportunity created by those whose blood and sweat are spilled.
Those who already have privilege.
Those already in the corridors of power.
The orators who become activists on other peoples...

The people who actually "fought for independence" (which is a form of revolution); the coal miners, the women who rioted, the workers who starved to go on strikes and so on.

And recently, the people who actually braved the sun, tear gas, water canons & even bullets.
These people get lost when the rewards and statuses are allotted. When names are called as those who "stood up against tyranny".

Just like the labor of the pawn on a chess board is ignored; they're relegated when medals are pinned, but remembered when a sacrifice is needed.
These new "pawns" don't have twitter. No nothing of the performance that has now become a highlight on most peoples social media; " #EndSARS " for most was/is a social climb.

While for those who like the coal workers or the women who are now labeled as "Aba women", were really
fighting for something they believe in, in the only way they could fight for it. How many of the names of those who sang the anthem are really remembered? Infact, we don't even know most because they're still being denied.

But you remember those who flashed logos & received
donations. You think of them as the "forerunners"of the protests.

What fallacy & injustice to the unnamed dead.

As much as everyone plays a part in change (gratitude to all and sundry), not everyone gets the same end of the stick.

Sometimes, understand you're the monster you
are fighting. Better still, become it, be aware of it. In that way, you'll be empathetic enough to know you're lining up new pawns for your social (media) currency.

Are there no better ways to achieve change? Improve the society? Build instead of fighting?

Are there no lessons
learned? Or just selfish interests matter?

When accountability is mentioned, tangibles like money takes the forefront.

How about accountability for those we intend to lead?

What happened to its long term. Or focusing on building institutions.

Seems history is never learned.
For most revolutions, those who take the high seat in the rubble after the dust settles, become worse tyrants.

They know & retain the oppressive system, and this time do it better.

Look to building systems and institutions. The best way is to take from the lessons and know what
needs fixing.

The goat that becomes a sacrifice is not remembered during the feast.

But what do I even know.
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