// Thread of headcanons for Maxwell's skins/AU's inspired by Isa ☆

Will exclude a few, like Guest of Honor- that's just him being stressed at a formal party, or Krampus, which is him messing around on Halloween. alsoihateit.
❥ Survivor

A good amount of my portrayal is actually based off of this! But, he's def in worse shape here.

⇢ Overexposure to dark magic has taken a significant toll on his body and mental state. His features are more monstrous and and he has lost all of his rationality.
⇢ He is very paranoid and on edge; he hears voices and hallucinates constantly. He even lashes out at himself when he lowers his guard, believing that he is sabotaging himself.

⇢ Less self preserving in fights. Feral, even. He will use his claws and teeth and it's just awful.
❥ Untriumphant / William Carter
(Might get a more important thread later)

⇢ He has SO much anxiety. Everything scares him and he always doubts himself. Pretty naïve, too.

⇢ Adores rabbits, and misses the ones he used to have.

⇢ Very awkward, stutters and panics a lot.
⇢ He's very sweet tho, and will try his best to assist anyone that treats him kindly.

⇢ Gets flustered and embarrassed easily. He never had much experience with friends and such. How the heck did he ever become an entertainer?
❥ Roseate

⇢ Basically, (Queen) Charlie dolled him up to be her assistant, like how she'd dress pretty for their old act.

⇢ He's sad- in a diff way than he usually is. Normal Maxwell has pride, stubbornness, and spite to hold himself together, whereas Roseate does not.
⇢ He's surprisingly a lot nicer than he used to be, and might even hit someone with a genuine compliment.

⇢ Appears to be absentminded most of the time.

⇢ Rarely uses the Codex.

⇢ Sometimes acts like he's,, being controlled...? Hmm.
❥ Gladiator

⇢ Creepy mf. Revels in misery and bloodshed, and gets hyped for any violence.

⇢ Says a lot of cryptic stuff. Sometimes it has meaning, sometimes it's just nonsense.

⇢ Eager for more knowledge and power, and has multiple evil spell books.

⇢ Loves nighttime.
❥ Verdant

⇢ No evil magic!! Life, light, and nature, that sorta thing.

⇢ Resides in the woods, away from people. Converses with animals.

⇢ He's pretty happy and outgoing.

⇢ Not really Maxwell at all, just some magic forest guy.

⇢ Generous if given respect.
❥ Vampire
Yes it's stated to just be a costume but,, vampire deserves an AU.

⇢ Suspiciously friendly. Almost like he wants you to lower your guard for easy blood or something, wow.

⇢ Very funny and encouraging and flattering, which is nice despite it being a deception.
⇢ Even more of a drama queen, and will actually ask for help with ailments.

⇢ Sneaky and illusive, as traditional of vampires.

⇢ His mood can flip very fast.

⇢ Carries a fancy parasol during the day.
❥ Magmatic

⇢ He's crazy.

⇢ Some people just want to watch the world burn. He's people.

⇢ Uses destructive magic, and oddly enough, cares more about chaos rather than hurting people. Only slightly, 'cause that's fun too.

⇢ Chad that hates shadow magic.
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