I find myself reflecting on a lot of internalised misogyny lately. I spent a long time being "one of the guys" and actively HATING everything I perceived as "girly" and feeling superior because I liked "better music" than pop stars like Britney and Taylor. 1/?
I realise now just how misguided I was and how conditioned I was to think of traditionally feminine things as "lessor". Im slowly realising that being a woman is awesome. Colourful hair, bright dresses, singing pop music these actually all bring me joy (2/?)
Teenage / early 20s Sarah spent so much time convincing herself and others just how cool she was that she was actually really cruel to others. My biggest apology goes out to my mother inlaw, not that she knows it. (3/?)
I used to think such horrible things about her "wasteful obsession" with perfume. I never said anything but I thought such horrible sexist things. Conditioning is rough. Reflection is rough-er. Changing will be the roughest.
Now as a 30yr old I am discovering so many things about myself that I didn't know. One of my goals this year is to get better with makeup. Once again, always thought it was a stupid waste of time and aren't I better because I'm so laid back and makeup free. (5/?)
Any tips and how to guides would be appreciated!
I think this will end my rant for this evening. But it's always good to reflect and try and improve.
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