People on the right have tried to redefine the term ‘woke’ so that fighting racism and injustice itself is seen as wrong. Here, sadly. Andrew Neil is doing the same by equating a term which means fighting racism and injustice with ‘cancel culture’.
The term didn’t just ‘morph’ into a new meaning. The new meaning was created by far right those to limit the voices of ‘social justice warriors’. SJW was last year’s shorthand for ‘woke’ It’s sad when those who would claim to be ‘moderate conservatives’ adopt such rhetoric.
So, in short @afneil if you don’t think that fighting social injustice and racism is wrong stop being involved in redefining terms in a way that portrays it as wrong. ‘Woke’ didn’t ‘morph’. It was redefined by far right as a tool against anti-racism with help from news media
Such redefinition of woke began in far right forums, then filtered into other social media and then finally into right wing news media. This is strategic discourse which looks to make social justice appear as bad. I’ve looked at right wing redefining for research recently.
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