
Following the debate surrounding @JosepBorrellF visit to Moscow: a few observations having met Lavrov dozens of times in my previous capacity:

1. It is always better to meet than not to meet.

2. The toughest messages are delivered behind closed doors.

3. Press conferences with Lavrov in Moscow are both predictable and unpredictable: two preset questions and a targeted message, often in the form of a stab in one direction or another.

4. Lavrov speaks perfect English, but often does home soil pressers in Russian.

5. Lavrov is probably the most experienced diplomat in the business. Knows every minute detail and does not hesitate to twist it for his own purposes.

6. Lavrov can be charming and cunning at the same time. Always the messanger of Putin. Always driving Russian interests.

7. Lavrov clearly got what he wanted: namely divide and rule. His aim was to split up the EU pack and his manouvre succeeded.

8. Instead of focussing on what the EU should do with Russia we are now debating on whether the High Rep should have visited at all.

9. I fully understand that the Commission is now more political. That is good. At the same time all players involved, whether Council or European Parliament, should understand that only two things work with Russia: unity and firmness. Perhaps time to show both.

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