Men really out here acting like the arranged marriage system is anything but a privilege that they abuse and exploit... (A thread)
you’re not single because you’re being pressured to look or act a certain way I assure you, the system is built so some woman out there will compromise and marry you so she can continue to EXIST as a human past 25. Sit tf down.
If y’all have such beef with the arranged marriage system, don’t go for it??? You literally have all the privilege in the world to revoke arranged rishtas and find a woman of your choice. Go ahead and do that. I dare ya.
Instead you KNOWINGLY put women into awful situations, you let your parents dehumanize and minimize every single rishta, you sit there and watch as they look for literal children that they can use to manage the household and have babies and you do absolutely shit all.
So go ahead. Reject rishta culture and find a partner of your dreams.
Oh wait... y’all never developed enough of a personality to impress a partner besides the social “privileges” that marriage to you would offer—- k.
When I, as a woman reject rishtas and refuse to take part in this culture I am literally othered and constantly berated by people around me. You can do this and get away with it scot free. Call yourself a “free spirit” or some shit.
We all know you will never ever take a step like that because at the end of the day, the culture that entraps a beautiful, talented young girl for you to marry at any stage of your life serves a purpose for YOU. You get to do no work and find the perfect partner.
That girl on the other hand has been shaped since birth to not be a challenge to you. She’s been reduced to a body and a child bearer and YOU’RE acting like you’re oppressed? Cause the parents of the literal children you marry want to make sure they’re safe and stable after?
You take her from her home, you refuse to let her make money for herself, you dictate every decision of her life and when her family simply wants to know if you’re financially able to do that, that’s the injustice here?
I know I’ve been going on about this for too long but fuck this. This system was made FOR YOU. If you don’t like it, fucking change it.
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