Having never read any communist literature: Communism sucks

Having read some communist literature: Marxism is okay, sure

Having read a lot of communist literature: Communism sucks
Not trying to get cheap likes here either. I have now run the Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism-Maoism track pretty sufficiently and I can safely, and informedly, tell you that it sucks a bag of dicks
Only Marx was likable. Every single person from Lenin onwards is an indescribably massive turd of shit. Its unbelievable how the minute after Marx died the whole thing became a ploy for weirdo nationalist movements.
Even Engels was a tremendous shit. And Stalin didn't even like Engels. Thats how much bigger of a shit Stalin was than Engels.

Karl, buddy, what the hell, man?
Looking forward to reading some of the more libertarian socialists. People who took Marx's good parts and did not feel the need to start mass starvation campaigns and creepazoid accelerationism sounds incredibly refreshing after this shit-slog.
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