1/ Shifting gears, let's take a look at Amie Wolf. Did the idiot at @UBCSauderSchool (Darren Dahl) who originally hired Wolf as an 'Aboriginal educator' ever bother to verify her claims? Let's start with my best attempt at her family tree and then look at some other red flags.
2/ Amie says she was adopted into a White family and taught to be ashmed of her First Nations culture (sadly common truth). I have done my best to reconstruct her biological family tree using publicly available info. Disclaimer: I do not vouch for the accuracy of this tree.
/3 Her mom's side is as she says, fully Polish. Her Mi'kmaq claims would have to come from her father. Her father's ancestry appears to be 1/4 Hungarian, 1/4 Franco-Quebecois, 2/4 Franco-Ontarian. In the census data listing race/ethnicity, it shows them as "white" and "french".
4/ While it's possible that Amie Wolf has *some* Indigenous ancestry, it would not appear to be on the scale one would expect from someone taking up the space she does and speaking from a position of ownership and authority over Indigenous culture.
5/ Family tree aside, hours of research into Gwen and other raceshifters have led me to see a number of red flags 🚩 with Amie. None of which seem to bother @PeakSFU ( @MarcoWearsPolos) or @Ubyssey ( @charlotteaalden), who published articles furthering Wolf's ancestry claims.
6/ First, the shifting claims. Amie has been fairly constant in her Mi'kmaq claims. However, when @UBC first hired her, she speaks of finding out about having a Cree 🚩sister. Throughout the article she is only identified as Aboriginal or First Nations. http://bit.ly/3p4xVXI 
7/ But wait! One day prior to the article being printed in the Vancouver Sun (25/01/2015) it went out on newswire. In the print version she is 'aboriginal' but in the newswire she is 'Metis' 🚩. Obviously a correction was in order, could @atmattrobinson shed some light?
8/ Next, there was the time she fired a progressive, female South American artist for trying to stand up for what the community had already agreed on. 🚩
...I know, a little weak, but stay with me...
9/ Her tweets - or what is left in Google's cache. Here she is talking about spirit animals 🚩in a way only non-Indigenous folks do. If you don't know the issues around this, just Google it. She also resorts to total theatricality 🚩in comparing herself to homeless people.
10/ She engages with an account that, frankly, appears to be her own anonymous account replete with the fascination of an adhoc mixture 🚩 of Taoism and Indigenous spirituality that feature in her early academic writings. Also, #kabbalah for good measure!
11/ Finally, and most egregiously if my genealogical research is correct, Amie calls on the trauma and violence inflicted on Indigenous women by drawing a parallel between Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and herself. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
12/ Some of these on their own might not raise alarm, but taken as a whole, they have me wondering how someone like this could make it past: @UBCDeanEduc 🚨 @UBCEduc 🚨 @VIUniversity 🚨 @UBCSauderSchool 🚨 @VSB39 🚨 @sfueducation 🚨 @SFU 🚨 @goUFV
13/ If I had to guess? Some foggy 'Eastern Metis' tall tales in the family flowering into a saviour complex following time teaching on the fly-in rez. But it's the minor in Aboriginal Ed mixed with the charisma and ego of a failed children's entertainer that really sold it.
14/ 🧐Did Blye Frank ( @UBCDeanEduc), Marianne McTavish ( @memctavish), or John Yamamoto ( @practicumnews) of @UBCTeacherEd ever bother to verify Amie Wolf's claims of Indigeneity before hiring her to teach EDUC 440 - Aboriginal Education in Canada, from an Indigenous perspective?
15/ Ditto for Em Mittertreiner ( @MittertreinerEm) who is collecting 💸 money 💸 for Amie Wolf ( @AmieWol45816678) and Jennifer Berdahl ( @JBerdahl) who is using her position as faculty to further Amie's claims. Any attempt to find a bio of Amie clarifying her specfic First Nation?
/16 What about Harman Dhaliwal @harmanoid_ , who posted a call to action on Instagram? Any attempt to verify Amie's claims before identifying her as Indigenous and Mi'kmaq?
/18 If you don't know Kevin Annett, he's this moronic conspiracist who exists somewhere between the heady days of Satanic daycare hysteria and the QAnon Pedo Cabal of present. He relies on exploiting Indigenous trauma to feed his personal martyr complex. Sound familiar?
/19 More info on Kevin below. The interview is just a long performance of one-upsmanship between Kevin (a civil rights leader called me John Brown👀) and Amie (the progressive school board fired me for opposing pipelines 🧐).
https://thetyee.ca/Views/2008/04/30/TruthAndAbuse https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/International_Tribunal_into_Crimes_of_Church_and_State
/20 Did @kierjunos ask Amie about her claim to be Indigenous before giving her a huge platform on @CityNewsVAN? Could @MattRamseyVan explain #UBC's silence on the possibility they hired a Rachel Dolezal w/o any attempt to clarify her Indigeneity? #Vancouver
/21 Amie just made a new blog post 🥴where she doubles-down on her claims without providing any further info except a vague mention of an 'exodus'. She's getting biblical and I am here for it! Befuddled AF, she is going "Mr. University" for sharing my thread instead of me😥
/22 Amie: having an Aboriginal relative 3 gens back =/= being an 'Aboriginal person'. I posted some info I found pertinent to your story. Will take it down if you can clarify the claims. Please know that I am not a sentient pipeline, I am made from steel/bolts like all humans!
/23 ⚠️Reminder: this work is based off of what I find online and comes with a big warning attached. Please don't harass the Indigneous Prof Amie Wolf of La Mancha. Instead, make sure to hold UBC and the media who published these claims accountable so this shit stops happening.
/24 Amie, the airline called about the mixup, your suitcase full of outdated Indigenous imagery should be dropped off at the hotel by tomorrow. Until then, please don't unpack someone else's baggage. Try the minibar, I hear it has great walnuts! #PretendianWaysOfKnowing
/25 🙏 Thank you Dr. Wolf PhD for confirming your father's full name and some details about cousins that substantiate the accuracy of the tree. Let's delve into Theodore's statement, “my grandmother on my mother’s side was a Micmac Indian." 🧐
/26 Mary Pauline Stuffco, Theodore's maternal grandmother, was born 5 Dec 1912 in Saskatchewan to Henry & Anna Stuffco. For your convenience, I have attached the 1910 US and 1916 Canadian censuses indicating membership in the 'Slovaks of the Austro-Hungarian Empire First Nation'
/27 Amie's sister reached out and confirmed that the family always knew Amie as white due to her bio-dad being listed as such. Amie's adopted father never told her to hide her Indigenous identity. Excerpts reposted below with permission from the sister...
/28 "She did go through the motions to see if she could get status but she was denied because I believe there was no way to prove that Theodore's family was native" 😩
/29 "She did not describe herself as Native until she was living in BC 1999/2000 ish. First she changed her name, then years went by before Mi'kmaq came into it."
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