We’re here in Wuhan - tune into @SkyNews at 8am UK time. https://twitter.com/PeterDaszak/status/1359004160360779777
Ready and waiting
Press conference delayed until 1700 local/0900 UK...
The @WHO press conference is underway. Mi Feng, the spokesperson for China National Health Commission, introduces panel - says three teams have been looking at origins of Covid - epidemiology, molecular biology, and animals & environment
Liang Wannian, who’s been leading the Chinese researchers, talking about background. Says this mission: ‘will set the ground for origin tracing work elsewhere.’ This is something China has been very keen to stress indeed, that further missions should take place in other countries
Liang Wannian: discovery of viruses with high homology [he’s talking about the closest coronavirus relatives discovered in bats] may show SARS-CoV-2 came from animal transmission but the animal reservoir has not been found
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